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Plantar warts are caused by HPV on the sole of the foot. These resemble the look of cauliflower and can be painful when walking.

There are different plantar warts treatment options available for individuals who suffer from these. Treatment is very important since they will not go away on their own.

Medication Options:

1. Immunotherapy

This is a treatment that involves injections, which will get rid of the warts by triggering an immune response.

2. Salicylic Acid

This uses keratolytic chemicals to get rid of the dead skins cells over the top of the wart. The treatment lasts for 12 weeks and can be found at drug stores. High concentration doses will need to be prescribed by a doctor.

3. Wart Remover Product like Wartrol

Wartrol is a topical solution that you can apply directly to areas of your body affected by warts. The FDA-approved ingredients in Wartrol help attack warts directly with a small application to the surface.

Surgery Options:

1. Cauterization

Cauterization with anesthetic can remove the wart, but may also result in scars. This is a pro-longed treatment options that is generally followed by surgery.

2. Liquid Nitrogen

This is where a doctor will freeze the structure of the wart and kill all the tissue living inside it. Generally this takes around three sessions in order for the tissue to be removed completely.

3. Electrodessication and Laser Surgery

These are both generally the last resorts that people use. Electrodessication uses surgical excision and laser surgery uses lasers to get rid of large warts. Both of these are painful and can result in scarring.

Home remedies that can be used

A lot of people use plantar warts home remedies because they can be effective and are affordable. Often times these work, but this depends on the individual and the remedy they try. Your results will vary based on what you use and how you use it.

1. Vinegar

A mixture of equal parts white vinegar and water is said to be a great remedy that is effective. In order to use this, you will just need to mix the liquids and then apply them to a small part of a cotton ball. Place this over the wart and then secure with a bandage. Change this twice per day and the wart should start to come out within a week or so.

2. Cider Vinegar

This can be used much like regular vinegar, except without the use of water. Simply put the vinegar on a cotton ball and bandage or tape it over the affected area. Replace throughout the day and within a few weeks the area should turn dark and start to come off the skin.

3. Hydrogen Peroxide

In order to do this you will first need to file down the wart as much as possible. From here, soak a piece of a cotton ball in hydrogen peroxide. This piece will then need to be placed against the wart and secured with a few bandages. Repeat this procedure as needed and it should treat the area within a few weeks.

4. Gorilla Glue

A lot of people have found success when using this product, which can be found at drug and grocery stores. Apply it to the foot at night and then allow to dry. Repeat for a week or two and the area should be treated.

More Pictures Of Plantar Warts

Venereal warts are commonly referred to as genital warts and they are soft, fleshy growths found around and in the genital region.

This includes the area around the vagina, penis and anus. The people who are mostly affected by this condition are sexually active people aged 15 to 30 years.

What causes venereal warts?

The virus that causes venereal warts is HPV (human papilloma virus). The disease is spread through sexual intercourse with an infected person. The warts grow easily in the genital area since it is warm and moist.

Venereal warts symptoms

When one is infected with venereal warts, the common symptom is itching in the areas affected. Some women develop cervical warts, which appear to be flat lesions. Venereal warts appear like small bumps or growths that can range in color from skin color to white or red.

They can occur as single bumps even though they also clump together into a cluster. The growths are usually itchy but painless and this usually leads many people to forget about them in the hope that they will go way. Some people who suffer from the condition do not display any venereal wart symptoms but they can easily transfer the virus on to other people.

HPV can also lie dormant in the body for several months. In rare cases, women can give birth to child who has warts in his/her mouth or throat. It is very important to treat venereal warts since they have even been linked to cancer.

Venereal warts treatment options

Treating venereal warts is easy if you know how to go about it. The following are the common venereal warts treatment methods used.

25% podophyllin solution - Doctors place this solution on the affected areas. They then wash it off after a number of hours. This treatment is not recommended for use on expectant women since the skin will absorb the solution and it will raise the chances of a fetus suffering birth defects.

Freezing with liquid nitrogen or using electroesiccation to burn them - This form of treatment is used on warts that are small in size.

Surgery - This is a rarely used treatment method. It is used to cure venereal warts in patients whose bodies cannot respond well to other forms of treatment. The common type of surgery used is laser surgery even though it tends to be more expensive. Surgeons can also cut off the warts using special tools.

Healing natural oils - They have been used for years and you only need to apply them to the affected areas. The common oils used are those that contain vitamin E. They can be used in conjunction with raw crushed garlic. You should cover the oil and garlic with adhesive tape and let it stay that way for a few days.

Electrocution - This involves burning off the warts by using an electric current.

Home remedies - There are several home remedies that are recommended for treating venereal warts. One of them is by taking a sitz bath. This involves filling a few inches of warm water into a bath tub and sitting in it for a period of ten to fifteen minutes on a daily basis.

Another home remedy involves squeezing warm water from a bottle over the areas affected to provide cleansing and comfort. You can also treat venereal warts by using a hair dryer or heat pump a number of times daily to dry the affected areas. You should hold the dryer or lamp at least eighteen inches from your skin.

The other common home remedy used to treat venereal warts is aloe. This involves applying the aloe cream in the form of a cream or directly from the aloe vera plant. Even though home remedies can be effective venereal warts treatment methods, it is important to consult a physician before using them.